Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I "train" for my 5k every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. When I woke up this morning to go meet my friends everything went crazy. First off, I woke up late. It was 7:15 and I have to leave at 7:30 to get my daughter to school on time. I ran into the living room to get everyone going and was stopped by my daughter looking at me with a horrid look. We all know that look when something just isn't right with our children. She didn't feel very well, but I still wanted to send her to school. Then, she looked at me in the light. She had pink eye! Man, that put an abrupt stop to anything I had planned today.

Then the twins got up. Twin B was grumpy, but he is usually the happiest baby. Again, something just wasn't feeling right. Took is temp and it was 102.6. Called the doctor and we just stayed home. I kept thinking that I HAD to run today. I'm only on my second week and I have to keep going, but I couldn't figure out where to fit it in.

At around noon, I decided to check my grumpy gus's temperature again. It was 103.6 and rising! Called the doctor and got an appointment. Off to the doctor with 4 children in tow. I am so thankful that I had my dad to rely on. He met me there so that I wouldn't have to drag all the children in (just two of them). We had to do chest x-rays on my son to rule out pneumonia. All is well. To make a long story short, by the time I got home and had the children fed, it was 7:00! My husband works and goes to school so tonight was a late night for him and it was just me and the kiddos.

Here comes the mind games I play with myself. I kept telling myself that I ran around all day. Surely that was enough! Well, I knew that wasn't enough. I want to run a 5k! So, I put the twins to bed and put a movie on for the older ones. I grabbed my daughter's mp3 player and my flashlight and headed outside. I have a very long driveway so I used that. Turned on the mp3 player and started my 5 minute walk to none other than......Hannah Montana. lol...I really need to get my own so that I can listen to Adele or Bon Jovi. Then, 20 minutes of alternating jogging/walking. 90 sec jogging/2 min. walking. Then 5 minutes of cool down (walking and stretching). I absolutely loved it. For the first time, I felt strong. I felt like I could really do this. That's until Friday comes along and the mind games start over again. But, for now, I own it. It's my life and only I can change myself. I choose to live!


  1. I'm glad you were able to fit your running into your crazy day! Good job at just going for it!

  2. So far this is my fav blog!!! you go girl!
