Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday - Weigh in Day

This will be a short post, but I wanted to announce that that I lost 2.3 pounds this week! Actually, I didn't "lose" 2.3 pounds, I kicked it out of my life and I never want it found again.

By the way, I am having fun too. Who would have thought? I met a new friend today while giving blood and I was so excited to tell her about my adventures with losing weight (which is only 14 lbs so far) and training for the 5k. I am loving when people are telling me they are starting something similar in other cities and towns. Again, this is so much fun!

So, I think we are narrowing our 5k down to possibly March 31st. There is one at the University of Arizona but registrations have not opened yet. When they do, Brie, Kira, and I will be registering. Anyone else want to join us? It will be really exciting to actually have a specific goal to work towards. A date that I can circle on my calendar.

Have a great rest day. See you on Monday. I will be on Week 3 of the Couch to 5k program. It looks scary to me. But, I will conquer even if I have to cry, whine, or inwardly think bad thoughts about my friend/trainer, Brie. Love you Brie!


  1. IM excited for you and JEALOUS! This reminds me of me two years ago... I was doing 5ks and lost 60lbs in six months... just eating right and exercising. THEN.... I broke my ankle hiking. IM JUST now able to start walking or jogging again... and I'm still scared. Otherwise Id TOTALLY do this with you. I just dont think I am quite ready .. YET! Super excited for you, tho!

  2. "Which is only 14lbs so far"... 14 lbs is A HUGE accomplishment, T! Don't downplay that at all. And I have Bon Jovi songs for you this week. I will be blasting it in your face. :D

  3. Congrats Tat! I'm so glad you're having fun!
